1. The Remarkable Points of Science and Technology

It is undeniable that scientific technology plays a crucial role in human evolution and development. While ancient civilizations applied scientific technology in their daily lives, the progress of science and technology has accelerated exponentially in the last century. However, the progress of scientific development on Earth has not occurred uniformly due to two primary reasons:

  • Overpopulation: In the 1800s, the global population was only one billion, but it has since skyrocketed to seven billion. This rapid population growth, occurring in a relatively short span of 210 years, poses significant challenges.
  • Moral Evolution: While human evolution encompasses numerous factors, the evolution of morality and personal behavior stands out as the most critical. Generally, as people become more civilized and develop higher moral awareness, they tend to respect the law and behave humanely. This evolution extends to social relationships and international relations, fostering greater equality and harmony.

Overpopulation serves as an important criterion for God to decide whether to equip humanity with new knowledge, but moral evolution takes precedence. Consider a hypothetical scenario: if the world’s population had reached seven billion a thousand years ago, it would have faced substantial difficulties. At that time, civilizations and scientific technology were less developed, making it challenging to meet the needs of such a vast population. Conversely, if people at that time possessed the current level of scientific technology, it could have led to unchecked power and potential conflicts.

In essence, before bestowing humanity with the intellectual capacity to address overpopulation, God assessed whether humanity possessed the moral foundation to receive such knowledge. High science and technology, combined with good morality, can foster a peaceful and prosperous world. However, when high science and technology coexist with low moral standards, the world risks instability and self-destruction.

Throughout history, geniuses in various fields have emerged worldwide. However, geniuses with remarkable scientific intellect have predominantly appeared in recent times, and their appearance is not proportionate to the population of different continents or countries. The presence of geniuses in each nation is subject to God’s discretion. God orchestrates their arrival and ensures that they effectively transmit their knowledge to humanity.

2. The Era of Blooming Intellectual Development

Africa is recognized as the cradle of humanity, while Europe became the cradle of scientific technology. During the Renaissance and subsequent centuries, Europe witnessed the emergence of many geniuses across various fields, including literature, physics, chemistry, and biology. These talented scientists initiated a transformative wave of scientific progress that laid the foundation for the modern world.

Why did the majority of these geniuses emerge in Europe during that era, rather than being distributed evenly across all continents? Two key factors account for this geographic phenomenon:

  • Protestant Reformation: Originating in the 16th century as an effort to reform the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation was spearheaded by figures like Martin Luther and John Calvin. It aimed to empower citizens in European countries, including England, France, Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands. By challenging ecclesiastical authority and promoting personal freedoms, this movement fostered democratic processes, societal assimilation, and a strong work ethic, ultimately advancing manufacturing and the spirit of work.

In summary, the flourishing of scientific technology is intertwined with moral evolution and societal progress. God’s influence and guidance have played a crucial role in determining the timing and distribution of geniuses across different regions, ensuring their knowledge contributes effectively to humanity’s advancement.

The Influence of the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation had a significant positive impact on the field of science, exemplified by the notable cases of Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton. Born on February 15th, 1565, and passing away on January 8th, 1642, Galileo was an Italian astronomer, physicist, and mathematician. Isaac Newton, born on January 4th, 1643, and passing away on March 31st, 1727, hailed from England and was a renowned physicist, astronomer, and mathematician. Both of these remarkable scientists lived during the same historical period, yet their experiences diverged due to their geographical locations.Galileo conducted his scientific work in Italy, where his career faced limitations imposed by the Roman Catholic Church. In contrast, Isaac Newton pursued his studies in England and enjoyed the freedom to conduct his research without religious restrictions. This freedom allowed Newton to make groundbreaking contributions to the benefit of humanity.The geographical factor of climate has played a significant role in the development of human societies. Europe, characterized by a temperate continental climate, has naturally experienced numerous advantages. It is not coincidental that many of the world’s most developed countries, including the United States, Canada, England, France, Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, China, Korea, and Japan, are located in regions with temperate climates. Furthermore, it is not accidental that all G8 countries fall within this geographic group with temperate climates. Notably, a substantial number of Nobel Prize laureates in scientific fields originate from these nations, particularly the United States. The climate may appear unrelated to talent and national development, but it plays a pivotal role in nurturing knowledge and promoting societal progress. Individuals living and working in temperate environments experience superior brain development and functioning compared to those residing in tropical zones. This phenomenon is evident in various ways:

  1. Individuals with similar knowledge levels who work in different temperature conditions demonstrate varying levels of performance. For instance, Mr. A working in a 20°C environment outperforms Mr. B working in a 37°C environment.
  2. On hot summer days with high temperatures, mental health patients tend to exhibit more significant disturbances compared to their behavior on cooler winter days. High temperatures hinder cognitive function. The ideal temperature for optimal human brain development and operation is 20°C, a temperature notably found inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, a structure created by angels during their time on Earth.

In summary, the combined influence of these two factors – the Protestant Reformation era and the temperate climate in Europe – played a crucial role in nurturing geniuses with exceptional intellects. In recent years, talented scientists have emerged worldwide due to two primary reasons:

  • First, contemporary religions in most countries have reduced their influence on national strategies, policies, and legitimacy. Modern religions primarily focus on spiritual guidance, with daily activities less bound by rituals and religious dogmas. This shift towards practical living encourages individuals to strive for success and achievements in life.
  • Second, scientific technology has improved living standards globally, and the widespread use of air conditioners has significantly enhanced the quality of life in tropical countries. Air conditioners have improved living, working, learning, and studying conditions in these regions.

3. The Effects of Overpopulation

The exponential growth of the world’s population carries profound implications for both humans and God. In the early days, God encouraged humans to reproduce, as stated in the Old Testament Bible, Book of Genesis 1:28. Overpopulation initially served as a means to ensure an adequate workforce to support the progress of the world, likened to a construction site in need of laborers to maintain its development.

However, like all things, overpopulation has its limits. In ancient times, Earth had a smaller human population, and the encouragement to reproduce was essential. But uncontrolled population growth can lead to unforeseen disadvantages. The world of 2000 years ago can be compared to a construction site that was in dire need of laborers to make progress. However, continuing to recruit workers without control, or overpopulation, could ultimately lead to the site going bankrupt.

Currently, there are no comprehensive studies predicting the sustainable human population capacity for Earth. The exact timing of the final judgment by God remains unknown and could occur in 500 years, 5000 years, or more. While the event may not be imminent, if humans continue to reproduce at their current rate, the world’s population by the end of the 22nd century could reach approximately 20 billion people, with even greater numbers in subsequent centuries.

In the context of the final judgment, a more crowded world population presents challenges. The greater the population, the more selective God’s release of individuals will become. The availability of spaces in the heavenly realm for liberated souls is limited, and overcrowding can undermine the quality of life. Immortal beings residing in cramped, high-rise apartments within densely populated cities will not experience the perfect lives they deserve.

To address this, God may choose to limit the supply of new souls for humans if overpopulation persists. In doing so, God will ensure that liberated souls can enjoy heavenly lives characterized by various factors, with space being a crucial component. An overcrowded world cannot fulfill these essential needs, necessitating measures to control population growth.

In the face of overpopulation, there are potential measures that God may implement to maintain balance on Earth. These measures could include rendering people infertile or introducing epidemic diseases, such as HIV, as a warning against the misuse of sex. Furthermore, more menacing viruses, surpassing even HIV in their dreadfulness, may be brought to Earth by angels from outer space. It is essential to recognize that these actions do not stem from malevolence on God’s part; rather, they serve as consequences of humanity’s choices.

To ensure a sustainable future, we must proactively limit population growth. Failure to do so may result in unforeseen challenges that hinder our ability to sustain human life. Each of us is destined to experience death, but it is not a permanent end. Souls undergo continuous reincarnation until the final judgment day, when they attain perfect and immortal life. Consequently, pursuing reproduction can have detrimental consequences for our journey.

4. Future Scientific Advancements

While our current scientific technology is advanced, it pales in comparison to the advanced civilizations that exist elsewhere in the universe, particularly in the realm where God resides. Humanity’s tenure on Earth, spanning over 10,000 years, is brief when compared to the ancient lives that preceded us. To reach evolutionary levels akin to those of other beings, we require a substantial amount of time.

In the quest for immortal life in a perfect world, three critical technologies will be indispensable: gravitational waves, anti-gravity waves, and super brainwaves.

5. Gravitational Waves and Anti-Gravity Waves

Gravitational waves have the capacity to propel objects at high speeds through space, enabling interstellar travel. Conversely, anti-gravity waves have the power to control the gravitational forces affecting all objects in the universe. Once humanity attains and masters these technologies, we can manufacture and operate flying saucers, akin to the angels who traverse the universe and Earth’s skies in these craft. With this newfound capability, humans can explore distant planets in far-off galaxies, greatly expanding our understanding of the cosmos. These technologies will not only revolutionize space travel but also give rise to innovative modes of transportation that replace conventional vehicles, such as motorbikes, cars, trains, and planes.

In the future, transportation may take the form of equipment resembling angelic wings from fairy tales. This equipment will allow individuals to soar through space, with their speed and altitude controlled by the user.

These technologies will also supplant heavy machinery like cranes and derricks, revolutionizing construction and enabling feats akin to those achieved by angels in building the Egyptian pyramids and other ancient architectural wonders. In essence, supreme technology will serve humanity and enhance our quality of life.

6. Super Brainwaves

Super brainwaves possess unique properties, characterized by unlimited speed and the inability to be impeded by any materials or objects in the universe. Historically, God and the angels have employed super brainwaves to connect with and influence human minds. However, humans cannot possess this technology until God liberates us, as its premature acquisition could disrupt God’s divine plan.

Super brainwaves will play a pivotal role in maintaining the immortality of human souls in the future. While physical bodies are not eternal, the soul endures. After the final judgment day, God will bestow knowledge related to medicine and gene technology, enabling humans to combat aging and disease effectively. Through this new genetic knowledge, individuals will possess perfect physical bodies and extended longevity. However, the attainment of immortality necessitates more than just this medical knowledge and gene structure.

In the age of immortality, souls will remain connected to the central soul data via super brainwaves on Earth. When physical bodies age or face perilous accidents, super brainwaves will facilitate the transfer of saved souls from one body to another. This process bears similarities to instances when angels relocated souls to different bodies:

  • In one case, a 17-year-old Indian girl named Sumitra was revived after her death, identifying herself as Shira, a 22-year-old woman who had died two months earlier. She recognized her relatives, friends, neighbors, and individual belongings, even sharing the same handwriting style as Shira.
  • Another case from Tan Viet village in Vietnam involved a girl who had died of illness but miraculously came back to life after her funeral. She exhibited profound knowledge of the village, the road to a particular house, and intimate details of Mr. Hieu’s relatives. She was ultimately recognized as the daughter of Mr. Hieu.

In the future, super brainwaves will enable humans to transfer souls from one body to another, maintaining their immortal existence.

7. Biological Robots

In recent times, humans have made significant strides in creating various generations of robots to serve diverse industries, including manufacturing, research, and services. However, the capabilities of our robot generations cannot compare to the advanced biological robots created by God and the angels.

In practice, angels rarely directly manipulate flying saucers; instead, they employ highly advanced biological robots for most tasks when they visit Earth. These biological robots possess oversized heads to accommodate vast data and high-speed brain functions. They also have large eyes for enhanced vision and oversized ears for precise hearing. In terms of body structure and intellectual capabilities, biological robots closely resemble humans, but they lack spiritual software programs.

Once humanity becomes proficient in super brainwave techniques, we will be able to create a generation of biological robots through the manipulation of human genes and agamic cloning, similar to how God creates them. During the creation of these clone bodies, we will utilize super brainwaves to install a consciousness software program and knowledge in one or more professional fields into their brains, effectively manufacturing biological robots.

These robots will excel at specific tasks and have the capacity to learn, acquire new knowledge, and perform as efficiently as normal humans. However, they lack desires, greed, sadness, or anger; their actions are solely directed by the tasks assigned to them. Should the bodies of biological robots deteriorate due to aging or accidents, we will collect the data stored in their brains and reinstall it into other clone bodies, allowing them to continue functioning normally.

It’s worth noting that scientists have achieved successful cloning of various animal species. However, this technology will not be applied to humans because cloned bodies lack intellect and emotions. This capability will only become feasible when we possess the super brainwave technology necessary to install souls into these cloned bodies.

8. Travel Through Space

Humanity has made remarkable progress in the realm of scientific technology in recent centuries, particularly in the field of space exploration. Just five centuries ago, people believed Earth to be a stationary planet, yet in the 20th century, humans successfully reached the moon. Presently, our universal technology allows us to explore planets within our solar system. However, once humanity advances and manufactures flying saucers, we will gain the ability to travel to planets millions of light years away, even reaching galaxies billions of light years distant from Earth.

To achieve such extraordinary feats, our flying saucers will need to attain speeds matching that of light. Sitting inside a spacecraft for billions of years to reach distant planets is clearly impractical. Presently, our flying saucers are constrained by the materials they are constructed from, as these materials cannot exceed the speed of light.

In the future, once humanity attains liberation, we will join advanced societies under God’s guidance. During this time, we will have the capability to travel to other member planets for visits, using super brainwave technology. This method of interstellar travel will closely resemble how souls reincarnate or how Jesus Christ descended 2000 years ago.

Before embarking on journeys to other member planets, we must establish contact with the alien inhabitants residing there. This will allow them to prepare the required number of clone bodies for us. Subsequently, we will employ super brainwaves to transfer our souls into these clone bodies, enabling us to function normally, just as if we were on Earth. Returning to Earth will involve a similar method of transportation.

In summary, super brainwave techniques hold the promise of ensuring immortality and an exceedingly convenient lifestyle for all inhabitants of Earth. To achieve higher levels of evolution, we will require the assistance of God and the angels in expanding our knowledge, thereby granting everyone on Earth an immortal body and a life of convenience. Indeed, science represents the path to our celestial destination.