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Humans are intricate biological entities believed to be created by a divine force and overseen by celestial beings. At a fundamental level, the operation of a human can be likened to that of a computer. The human brain serves as a biological processor, while a computer relies on a mechanical processor, known as the CPU or hardware. Analogously, the soul’s role in a person’s existence is comparable to that of software programs in a computer. Just as data from an old computer can be transferred to a new one, it is believed that God can take the soul of a deceased individual and transfer it into a new body.

The Nature of the Soul The human soul is considered a repository of vast information, encompassing software programs endowed with distinctive attributes by a divine creator. It contains all the experiences and memories of an individual across their various lifetimes, including the current one. According to this belief, whenever a person passes away, God retrieves their soul and facilitates its reincarnation into a new body. This process is thought to involve the transmission of souls through a unique form of energy waves referred to as “super brainwaves.” These super brainwaves possess infinite speed and are impervious to any material obstacles. They are transmitted through advanced technological equipment said to reside in the realm of God. Present-day science and technology have yet to enable us to directly access information from souls, leaving us to explore the workings of the soul only through the study of brain activity.

It is postulated that a soul is incorporated into the brain of a developing human fetus during the fourth month of gestation. This aligns with medical studies that indicate the substantial development of the human fetal brain around this time. The Quran in Islam also references the bestowment of souls to human fetuses in the fourth month of pregnancy (Hadith 3208 & Hadith 1 & 2643).

The Human Soul’s Composition The human soul is believed to consist of three primary components:

  1. Consciousness Software Program: This aspect of the soul governs a person’s awareness, thoughts, and self-identity. It is the seat of individual consciousness.
  2. Spirit Software Program: The spirit software program is responsible for the vital life force and the intangible essence that distinguishes a living being from an inanimate object.
  3. Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI): The RPLI contains the accumulated knowledge, memories, and experiences from all previous lifetimes of an individual, forming a comprehensive record of their spiritual journey.

These beliefs reflect a spiritual perspective on the human experience, drawing parallels between the workings of the human soul and the operations of technology, while emphasizing the role of a divine creator and the concept of reincarnation.


The Consciousness Software Program

The consciousness software program plays a crucial role in managing the brain’s operations. Upon installation in the brain, this program enables various cognitive functions, including perception, information processing, introspection, abstract thinking, and language use. It acts as a mediator, collecting and forwarding information received from the five senses and extrasensory perception to either the spirit software program or the subconscious mind. When it reaches the subconscious, it establishes a connection with the Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI) and retrieves relevant data for processing within the central brain. The consciousness software program also stores the results it generates in the subconscious memory, allowing for future recall and utilization. In essence, the functioning of the consciousness software program is highly intricate and beyond full comprehension, though we can liken it to the system operating software of a computer like Microsoft Windows OS or Apple Mac OS. Without this program, normal brain function would not be possible.

The Spirit Software Program

The spirit software program is responsible for generating human emotions. It gives rise to eight fundamental emotions: pleasure, happiness, anger, love, hatred, sadness, desire, and fear. These emotions are categorized into three pairs of opposing qualities and one pair of neutral qualities.

Pleasure, happiness, and non-couple love are positive emotions that are capable of standing alone or combining to create various positive moods, such as familial love, friendship, kindness, altruism, and compassion.

In contrast, anger, hatred, and sadness are negative emotions that can operate independently or blend to produce negative states such as hostility, cruelty, selfishness, envy, and pessimism.

Desire is a unique emotion that can amplify both positive and negative emotions. It can be influenced and regulated by factors such as knowledge, willpower, and morality. With strong moral values, extensive knowledge, and resolute will, individuals can control their desires to achieve more favorable outcomes in life.

Fear, on the other hand, serves as a defensive emotion, primarily concerned with personal safety. It can dampen positive intentions and thwart negative ones. When the consciousness recognizes a threat, fear arises as a natural response, though it can be managed and controlled through mental stability and strong will.

While human emotions are exceedingly complex, each emotion is characterized by its distinct properties. Rationality has the capacity to regulate most human emotions, except for couple love, which is an exceptional emotion encompassing all eight emotions within the spirit software program. Among all forms of love, couple love is often the most intense, with individuals being willing to make great sacrifices for their partners, surpassing even the love for parents, children, siblings, or friends.

It is worth noting that the spirit software program’s activities, along with those of the soul, are primarily influenced by sensory input from daily interactions and experiences, thus shaping individual temperaments.

Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI)

The RPLI serves as a vital component of the human soul, with its primary mission being the storage of information related to a person’s previous lives. To better distinguish the RPLI from the subconscious, it’s important to understand their respective functions.

The subconscious stores all the information a person accumulates from birth to death, and ordinary individuals can readily access this information through recall. However, two exceptions exist: the recollection of past lives and child prodigies, which will be further elucidated in this chapter.

The RPLI, on the other hand, preserves all the knowledge, emotions, thoughts, and actions from an individual’s past lives. Initially, in the first life of a soul, God endows the RPLI with basic information for instinctual operations. When a person passes away, God gathers all the data recorded in the subconscious, aggregates it into discrete packages, each representing one life, and installs these packages into the brain of a fetus. This collection constitutes an individual’s RPLI for their current life. Importantly, direct access to information from the RPLI by the central brain is not possible; it must be mediated through leading information that correlates with the RPLI data. Leading information is derived from sensory input, introspection, or extrasensory perception and pertains to the contents stored in the RPLI. As a result of this mechanism, many individuals possess knowledge from previous lives that surpasses what they have learned in their current life.

In summary, God created the RPLI to offer humans the opportunity to reuse the knowledge and experiences accumulated in their past lives to aid in the advancement of humanity’s evolutionary journey.

Phenomena Related to the RPLI

This section delves into various phenomena associated with the RPLI, shedding light on inborn talents, child prodigies, geniuses, the recollection of past lives, and other intriguing aspects of human experiences. These phenomena illustrate how the RPLI plays a role in shaping individuals’ lives and capabilities.


Geniuses are individuals endowed with exceptional intelligence, and their contributions often have a profound impact on the progress of human civilization. In an era marked by rapid population growth, God plays a unique role in fostering the intellectual development and survival of humanity by bringing forth these geniuses.

Similar to the process of child prodigies, God selects souls with exceptional knowledge in specific fields such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. These chosen souls are then enriched with new and critical knowledge, tailored to the developmental stage of humankind. God incorporates this knowledge, along with information from their previous lives, into the Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI) of these geniuses. During the early stages of a genius’s life, this newfound knowledge within the RPLI may remain latent or indistinct. However, once the brain structure reaches maturity, the acquired knowledge, either through learning or experience, becomes leading information that triggers the retrieval of related information from the RPLI to the consciousness. As a result, geniuses produce groundbreaking works, introducing entirely novel concepts and knowledge to the people of Earth. While prodigies have emerged in history, true geniuses are relatively rare, and God brings them forth when the timing is appropriate, though not predetermined.

Albert Einstein (1879–1955), a German-born theoretical physicist, stands as an exemplar of genius. Revered as the father of modern physics, he earned the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his contributions, including the theory of relativity and the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect. Albert Einstein’s legacy is so significant that he was named “the man of the century” by The New York Times, solidifying his status as the preeminent intellectual of the 20th century.

Another notable genius is Pablo Picasso (1881–1973), a Spanish painter and sculptor whose influence on 20th-century art remains profound. Picasso is widely regarded as one of the greatest and most impactful artists of his time, meriting a place among the top ten artists of the 20th century according to Time magazine.

Remembering Past Lives

As previously elucidated, the human soul is considered immortal, while the physical body is finite, leading to the concept of reincarnation as a means for souls to continually inhabit new bodies. This process, known as reincarnation, is central to the perpetual evolutionary journey of humanity.

Apart from conventional reincarnations, there exist extraordinary cases where individuals remember their past lives. This phenomenon bears a resemblance to the phenomenon of child prodigies and is regarded as a divine message aimed at enhancing our understanding of God and the workings of our souls. Typically, individuals who can recollect their past lives did not experience prolonged lifespans in their previous incarnations. In these instances, the reincarnation process follows a unique pattern. Instead of installing information about the previous life into the RPLI, God introduces this information directly into the consciousness of the current life. Thus, upon birth, the individual’s consciousness is already imbued with the knowledge and experiences of their previous existence, and their thought processes and perceptions persist as though they had never died. These cases can be viewed as “dual lives” or “adjoining lives” where the information from the last life is stored in the subconscious alongside the data from the present life, forming a unified information package encompassing both existences.

Binh Lac Bui serves as an illustrative example. Born on October 6, 2002, in Coi Village, Yen Phu, Lac Son, Vietnam, Binh claimed to be Tien Phu Quyet Nguyen, born on February 28, 1992, in Vu Ban town, who had passed away ten years prior to Binh’s birth. Binh asserted his desire to return to live with the parents of the deceased boy and provided substantial evidence to support his claim. Ultimately, the parents of Tien accepted Binh as the reincarnation of their departed son.

Similarly, Shanti Devi, born on November 12, 1926, in Delhi, India, exhibited the ability to recall her past life from a young age. She claimed to be Lugdi Devi, who lived in Mathura town, married Pandit Kedernath Chowbey, and had a son named Nabanita Lall. Shanti Devi’s detailed knowledge about Lugdi’s life, including the location where she had hidden money before her death, convinced many that she was indeed the reincarnation of Lugdi Devi, who had passed away on October 4, 1925.

Homosexuality and Bisexuality

Homosexuality is a widespread phenomenon occurring worldwide, with homosexual men referred to as gay and homosexual women as lesbians. Bisexuality, conversely, pertains to individuals who experience sexual attraction to both men and women.

It is crucial to understand that homosexuality is not a disorder, and individuals cannot change their sexual orientation through any form of medical intervention or procedure. This orientation is deeply rooted in the Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI). When God designed the spirit software program, distinct versions were created for men and women, each with different affection frequencies. Typically, a male soul is incarnated into a male fetus, while a female soul inhabits a female fetus. Nonetheless, numerous exceptions exist, leading to instances of homosexuality and bisexuality.

The RPLI houses a wealth of information related to an individual’s past lives, encompassing knowledge, emotions, sexual habits, and sexual preferences. As individuals mature, this information gradually surfaces, influenced by their interactions and emotional perceptions during childhood. This emotional perception serves as leading information, activating the RPLI-related data within the consciousness software program. This process, in conjunction with parental guidance, contributes to the formation of a child’s sexual orientation.

Gay individuals are those born with a female soul in a male physical body. As they grow, they may display characteristics associated with the opposite gender, and their sexual orientation typically becomes more evident during puberty. This period can be particularly challenging for gay individuals, as their physical desires and emotional needs may conflict with their biological body. When gay individuals experience love and engage in relationships, they often perceive themselves as aligning with the opposite gender.

Lesbians, conversely, are born with a male soul in a female physical body. They may gradually exhibit characteristics associated with the opposite gender, and like gay individuals, they often perceive themselves as the opposite gender when in love and engaged in relationships.

Bisexuals share similarities with gay and lesbian individuals in that their souls and physical bodies are not fully aligned, leading to sexual confusion. However, one key difference lies in the fact that bisexuals are new souls, having lived relatively few lives. Consequently, their experiences and feelings are not as extensively stored in the RPLI, allowing them to initially engage in heterosexual relationships, including marriage and procreation. Over time, their sexual experiences activate the RPLI, leading them to realize their true sexual orientation and desires. Some may choose to leave their heterosexual relationships to pursue same-sex relationships, while others may opt for a life of celibacy.

In the case of Ma Tin Aung Myo, a girl born on December 26, 1953, in Nalthul village, Myanmar, she identifies as a lesbian and can remember her past life. She perceives herself as a male Japanese soldier who perished in war and has chosen not to marry, as she identifies as a man.


Inborn Temperament

An age-old Vietnamese saying aptly captures the essence of human temperament: “cha mẹ sanh con trời sanh tánh,” which translates to “parents give birth to children, but God gives them their temperaments.” This saying reflects a fundamental truth because parents can only impart a physical body to their children, while God endows them with a soul, including their unique temperament. Understanding the formation of temperament in our children can often be a perplexing endeavor, as children frequently exhibit temperaments that are distinct from anyone in their family or extended family. Despite parents’ best efforts, altering their children’s temperaments is a rare feat.

This phenomenon has long confounded observers, with no satisfactory explanation for its underlying causes. Why do some children manifest early signs of being dutiful, docile, studious, obedient, brave, and kind, while others are shy, fearful, pessimistic, and withdrawn, or even obstinate, hot-tempered, aggressive, lazy, and feisty?

To comprehend the genesis of temperament, we must consider the concept of the Repository of Past Lives’ Information (RPLI). In God’s grand design for the evolution of humanity, every soul undergoes numerous reincarnations. As a result, the temperament of individuals is already well-established in their previous lives and resides within the RPLI. Therefore, the formation of a child’s temperament, whether in childhood or adulthood, predominantly arises from the RPLI.

Emotional perception represents one of the earliest facets of a child’s awareness as they interact with parents, grandparents, siblings, neighbors, and peers. This emotional perception serves as leading information that activates the RPLI. The pertinent information stored within the RPLI is gradually unveiled to the consciousness software program, and this process, coupled with parental guidance, contributes to the development of a child’s characteristics.

There is another old saying: “Non sông dễ đổi, bản tính khó dời,” which translates to “It is easier to move mountains and rivers than to change one’s temperament.” We often witness numerous changes in the world, yet seldom do we see individuals altering their inherent temperaments. Some people exhibit kindness and generosity, while others display brutality and hot-temperament. Some are introverted and fearful, while others are unscrupulous and dishonest. These temperaments tend to persist throughout their entire lifetimes.

As parents, if we recognize that our children possess challenging temperaments and we make earnest efforts to guide them, but they still resist change, we should not blame ourselves. The nature of their temperament was established long before their current incarnation.

Holy Maternal Love

Throughout their lives, devoted mothers shower their children with love, make sacrifices, and provide unwavering care. These mothers regard motherhood as a sacred duty and the ultimate source of happiness in their lives. In historical societies, most women focused primarily on domestic duties, dedicating themselves to household chores and child-rearing. In feudal and pre-modern times, if a woman’s husband passed away prematurely, she rarely remarried. Instead, she dedicated her life to raising her children and living with them and her grandchildren until the end of her days. The emotional experiences associated with maternal love transcend lifetimes, often resulting in the observation that mothers tend to love their children more deeply and are more willing to make sacrifices than fathers. In return, most children harbor greater affection for their mothers than for their fathers.

When mothers—particularly those with older souls—gaze upon their children’s faces after childbirth, their love radiates strongly, irrespective of the child’s physical appearance or health. This unique emotion is not a mere happenstance but is an accumulation of experiences stored within the RPLI across numerous lifetimes. Nonetheless, not all mothers possess this profound love for their offspring. In some unfortunate cases, mothers may abandon their babies after delivery, leaving them in trash cans, public restrooms, or on the streets. What causes these mothers to exhibit such callousness? The reason lies in the fact that these mothers have new souls and were not adequately nurtured during their upbringing when their personalities were forming. These souls are experiencing motherhood for the first time, and thus, there is no information regarding maternal love in their RPLI. Consequently, they can easily abandon their children.

Feeling of Familiarity—Déjà Vu

At various points in our lives, we may find ourselves in places we have never visited before—a house, a street, a village, or even a foreign country. These places need not be breathtaking landscapes, lavish residences, or modern metropolises; they could be ordinary locales. Yet, upon arriving, we experience an overwhelming sense of familiarity and closeness in our hearts. Many people report experiencing this feeling numerous times throughout their lives, yet struggle to explain it. This phenomenon is known as “déjà vu,” and it emanates from the RPLI.

While most of us remain unaware of our identities in previous lives, the places we visit today may have been where we lived or worked in those past incarnations, leaving behind cherished memories. When people visit a foreign country for the first time and feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity and closeness, it may be because they once lived as citizens of that country in their previous lives.

Love at First Sight

To comprehend the cause of love at first sight, we must first differentiate between two concepts: “an ideal lover” and “a lover in dreams.”

An ideal lover is a product of our imagination. For example, when a girl envisions her ideal lover or husband, she may imagine a handsome, wealthy, intelligent man or a kind, gentle, and faithful companion. Similarly, a young man’s ideal girlfriend or wife might be a beautiful, gentle, sweet, and well-mannered woman. These ideal lovers are crafted from personal preferences.

In contrast, individuals who experience a dream lover cannot distinctly identify their lover’s figure, face, or personality. This is because information about the dream lover resides within their RPLI, beyond the reach of their consciousness without appropriate leading information.

For instance, in a previous life, a man had a remarkably beautiful wife, and their love for each other was profound and passionate. Tragically, his life was cut short, leaving his wife in anguish. She struggled with mental illness for the remainder of her life.

Another example involves two individuals deeply in love in a past life but forbidden to be together. In this case, the woman took her own life, and the man was forever haunted by remorse and longing.

Lastly, a man and a woman, deeply devoted to each other, vowed to marry and love each other eternally in a previous life. Unfortunately, their lives were tragically cut short in an accident.

These scenarios share a common theme: individuals who shared profound love in previous lives. When they reincarnate into their present lives, the emotions and memories of their previous loves remain deeply embedded in their RPLI. Despite opportunities to form relationships with other individuals, they often feel no connection. This is not due to the inadequacy of those they meet but rather because these individuals fail to possess the same personalities, gestures, or appearances as their past loves. Eventually, when they encounter their previous-life lover, both parties immediately recognize each other through familiar personalities, gestures, or appearances—leading information that activates their RPLI. This sparks an intense rekindling of love, often unbeknownst to them, resulting in profound affection. Love stories of this nature are often referred to as “love at first sight.”

Furthermore, there are other cases of one-sided love stemming from emotions retained in the RPLI. In these instances, one person deeply adores and loves another, even though their affection remains unreciprocated. Despite the absence of mutual love, their emotions are intense and enduring. They willingly provide for the needs of the object of their affection and are prepared to make sacrifices without expecting anything in return.

In essence, love at first sight occurs when two individuals, who passionately loved each other in a previous life, fortuitously reunite in their current lives, reigniting the profound love they once shared. Conversely, one-sided love occurs when only one individual carried this intense love from a past life, while the other party does not share a similar connection. In their present lives, the physical appearance, gestures, and personality of the other person evoke an RPLI-based illusion of recognition, giving rise to one-sided love.