1. The Origin of the Universe and GodThroughout history, the existence and nature of God have been subjects of immense fascination and enduring controversy for humanity.

    Does God truly exist? What is the connection between God and us? These questions have persisted for thousands of years, and yet the concept of God remains shrouded in mystery. Despite the lack of clear understanding, many people continue to devoutly worship God.

    God is referred to by various names such as the Lord, Allah, Jehovah, Great Master, or supernatural being, among others. In reality, not only followers of organized religions like Christianity or Islam worship God; even non-religious individuals may have their own versions of a supernatural being as a way to connect with God.

    Faith in religion or in any notion of a supernatural being has its roots in ancient folk beliefs and has endured throughout human history.

    For most people, their connection to God is based on faith rather than understanding or personal experience. If we rely solely on religious scriptures to comprehend God and His works, we may never achieve a full understanding. It is only by employing science as the primary tool to logically interpret everything that we can truly comprehend God. Science is the key to unlocking the gate to heaven.

    Humans have perpetually sought answers about God, yet it often seems that our efforts are hindered by various obstacles. One primary reason is the division among different groups, each following its own path, driven by outdated concepts and prejudices. Paradoxically, each group believes its own reasoning to be correct, which complicates the search for answers. This situation can be understood through the phrase “Thất bất, bại tan,” which, when combined, signifies a positive outcome despite the individual negative meanings of its components: “No more loss, failure is defeated.” It signifies the end of a gloomy period and the arrival of better times.

    Similarly, the concept of God in different fields of study often lacks a coherent and positive portrayal:

    1. God in religion remains mysterious and challenging to grasp.
    2. The role of God in science has yet to be fully acknowledged.
    3. The power of God in spiritual phenomena remains unclear.
    4. UFOs and aliens evoke apprehension rather than a positive connection to God, with many viewing these phenomena as unrelated.

    However, by integrating information from various sources, including religion, science, spirituality, ancient architectural works, and UFO phenomena, we can decode the image and role of God in human life.

    While some religions maintain that God created the universe, they rely solely on their religious doctrines without providing scientific evidence to support their claims. Consequently, they may struggle to convince skeptics, especially among the scientific community.

    It is important to note a fundamental difference between religion and science: religion tends to remain unchanged, while science continually advances and evolves. Science has the potential to explain the formation of the universe and the solar system, determine the age of celestial bodies like the universe, Earth, sun, and moon, and uncover the origins of human evolution from chimpanzees, among other discoveries. However, it is limited in its ability to unveil the exact processes by which these phenomena originated. Whether these phenomena are the result of natural processes or the creation of God, they appear the same to our eyes today. Thus, we cannot elucidate God’s role in the creation of many entities in the universe and on Earth. Much of our knowledge about God is derived from religious scriptures, which were written to establish religions and convey important messages. These scriptures include the Old and New Testaments of Christianity, the Qur’an of Islam, Buddhist teachings, and various other religious texts.

    “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.” — Albert Einstein

    If religious viewpoints were to change, it could lead to unnecessary divergence in information. Religious scriptures often contain vital clues that can guide science towards the truth. Unfortunately, recent efforts in this direction have not borne fruit.

    Consider the analogy of treasure hunters searching for a hidden treasure. Each person possesses a map in the hopes of being the first to discover the treasure. However, as time passes, no one succeeds because each map provides only a fragment of the complete picture. What they fail to realize is that their individual maps represent only a small part of the comprehensive guide to the treasure. The treasure can only be found when all the pieces of the puzzle are assembled in an organized sequence.

    In a similar vein, our search for understanding must begin with the interpretation of present-day phenomena across different fields and tracing them back in time. This process involves connecting diverse pieces of information to determine the causes of these phenomena. Correctly doing so will provide insights into past events, and from there, we can anticipate the future. Our initial analysis should focus on phenomena such as prophecy, telepathy, mind control, speaking in tongues, and child prodigies.

    Prophets possess the ability to foresee future events, although they themselves do not possess knowledge of the future. This implies that someone else is transmitting information to the prophet’s brain via a signal wave that the prophet can receive and interpret. To generate such a wave, advanced scientific equipment would be required. This suggests that whoever is sending these messages resides in a physical body and possesses the knowledge to build and operate such equipment. Since these messages are not of human origin, we can infer that they originate from extraterrestrial beings (aliens) from outer space. Prophets often claim that these messages come from sacred sources or angels. Therefore, aliens can be considered angels. Throughout history, angels have employed waves to transmit messages to prophets, resulting in the creation of religious texts such as the Quran and Caodaism. These scriptures consistently mention God as the supreme power. Therefore, we can conclude that God leads the angels, who utilize advanced scientific equipment to communicate with humanity. God and the angels live in physical bodies on a planet somewhere in the universe, and they possess highly advanced civilizations.

    God -> Angels -> Human beings

    We also find clues in the UFO phenomenon and mysterious crop circles that appear in fields worldwide. However, we must first determine whether these phenomena are connected to God and humans and why UFOs visit Earth. If you suspect that extraterrestrial beings are intent on invading Earth, consider the following points:

    Records of UFO sightings date back to ancient times, and such sightings have become more frequent in recent decades. However, there is no evidence to suggest that aliens harbor hostile intentions toward humanity and our planet. Alien civilizations are significantly more advanced than our own. If their aim were to invade Earth, they could have done so at any time, without waiting for humans to advance further. UFOs have been observed in areas experiencing natural disasters, suggesting a specific purpose other than invasion.

    Additional insights into aliens are provided by mysterious crop circles found in fields. Below are examples of crop circles conveying typical messages.

Picture 1: Formed on 8/15/2008 at Etchilhampton Hill, Wiltshire, England.

Message in picture 1: Aliens are relating to those who believe in the cross.

Picture 2: Formed on 8/10/2012 in Cheesefoot Head, Winchester, and Hampshire, England. Message in picture 2: Aliens are relating to Buddhist beliefs.

Picture 3: Formed on 8/2/2004 at Silbury Hill, Beckhamton, England. Message in picture 3: Aliens are relating to Taoist beliefs.

Picture 4: Formed on 7/21/2002 at Beacon Hill, near Highclere, Hampshire, England. Message in picture 4: Aliens are relating to Caodaism.

Picture 5: Formed on 7/8/2009 near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England.

Picture 6: Formed on 6/17/2008 near Wroughton, Wiltshire, England.

Message in picture 5 and 6: Aliens are relating to human civilization and the advancement of science.

Picture 7: Formed on 7/26/2011 at Windmill Hill, Wiltshire, England.

Picture 8: Formed in May 2009 at Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, England

Message in picture 7 and 8: There is a central life. Different lives connect to each other in many galaxies, which become satellites of the central life.

Picture 9: Formed on 13/8/2000 at Woodborough Hill, near Alton Priors, Wiltshire, England.

Message in picture 9: All existing lives in the universe contact one another via informational waves.

Picture 10: Formed on 6/15/2000 at East Kennett, Wiltshire, England.

Message in picture 10: Existing life forms in the universe always receive love from God regardless of their evolutionary level.

Picture 11: Formed on 8/4/2003 at Walkers Hill, near Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, England. Message in picture 11: Less advanced lives are led by more advanced lives in the spirit of peace

Picture 12: Formed on 7/4/2009 at West Down Gallops, near Beckhampton, Wiltshire, England.

Message in picture 12: God quietly guides human evolution in the spirit of peace. (UFOs are sent by God to Earth in the spirit of peace to help humans evolve.)

Picture 12

Message in picture 12: Current human DNA and the DNA of future immortal humans.

Picture 13

Message in picture 13c: The message broadcasted to space from Arecibo Radio Telescope by scientist Frank Drake on Nov 15, 1974.

Message in picture 13b: Aliens created this on the field near Chilbolton Observatory, Hampshire, UK on Aug 18, 2001.

Message in picture 13a: Comparison between two civilizations shows that there are basic differences between them in various aspects.

These messages reveal that aliens have a close relationship with humans, evidenced by the fact that they sent messages about our civilization and our religions.

In addition, there is further evidence related to the involvement of aliens. This pertains to the ancient architectural and scientific works that have persisted from ancient times. Given the limited technology available during those eras, the construction of grand architectural marvels such as the Egyptian pyramids, the stone statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England appears nearly impossible to attribute solely to human efforts.

Consider the existence of 17 nuclear reactors in Oklo, Gabon, which were constructed nearly two billion years before the emergence of humans. How can we disregard the possibility that such constructions and other remarkable ancient feats were accomplished under the supervision of aliens, acting under God’s guidance?

Connecting the pieces of information above leads us to conclude that aliens utilized UFOs to reach Earth long before humans existed. They constructed nuclear power plants, architectural wonders, and established residence while also creating conditions conducive to life on Earth. In recent times, they have returned and crafted numerous crop circles in fields, conveying messages to aid our understanding of their intentions. Once we grasp their purpose, we can recognize their leader: they are angels, and their leader is God.

Furthermore, to gain a clearer understanding of God, we should turn to His own words as expressed in the Bible, specifically in the Old Testament, Book of Genesis, Chapter 1.

Verse 26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the Earth…'”

Verse 27: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created.”

In verse 26, when God said, “Let us,” He was addressing His colleagues, the angels. He then stated, “make man in our image, according to our likeness,” and in verse 27, “So God created mankind in his own image.” This implies that He instructed the angels to create humans with a physical appearance similar to His own. If God existed solely as an invisible spirit, He would not have mentioned His “image” or instructed the angels to fashion humans in His likeness. Therefore, we should not insist that God and the angels are spiritually invisible; evidently, they possess physical bodies like us.

Once we define God as an intellectual being in a physical body, we can no longer assume that God is the creator of the entire universe. This is because before the universe was formed, there was no life at all, not even God. Yet, certain religions assert that God is the creator of the universe. Let us investigate whether God indeed created the universe or if it was the result of natural processes.

The opening words of the Book of Genesis declare, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.” These words were penned in an ancient era, and it is essential to remember that scriptural language was deliberately simplistic to facilitate understanding by the people of that time. In light of our current knowledge of the universe, the term “heaven and the Earth” could refer to the sun and Earth, rather than the entire universe.

To ascertain whether God was the creator of the universe or not, we can turn to another source of information rooted in Taoism. It was Lao Tzu who penned the following lines in the Tao Te Ching, Chapter 25:

“Man follows the Earth. Earth follows heaven. The universe follows the Tao. The Tao follows only itself.”

These lines can be understood in the following way:

  • Man is created from Earth.
  • Earth is created from the universe.
  • The universe is created from Tao.
  • Tao is created from nature.

In essence:

  • Man imitates the Earth.
  • Earth imitates the universe.
  • The universe imitates Tao.
  • Tao imitates nature.

The key elements in these lines are interpreted as follows: “man” refers to humans, “Earth” is our planet, “Tao” symbolizes the universe and nature. When reading these lines in reverse, we understand that nature created the universe, the universe created God, God created the Earth, and the Earth created man. In summary, the universe was created by nature itself; God was not the creator of the universe.

After the formation of the universe, God was the first and sole form of life in existence. He acquired knowledge from the natural laws governing the universe and then proceeded to create the first angels who also inhabited the same planet. From there, God devised a divine plan, involving the creation of new life forms across the universe. Once the plan was formulated, God and the angels utilized their superior knowledge and advanced scientific equipment to create new solar systems, ensuring they adhered to the natural laws. Subsequently, God created life on selected planets, including humans fashioned in His likeness, guiding their evolution. Over time, He continued to develop various life forms throughout the universe, steering them toward salvation. The liberated life forms would then assist God in guiding others yet to attain liberation.

Origin of the Solar System and Origin of Life

It is important to note that beliefs about the origin of the solar system and the origin of life vary greatly among individuals and cultures. The following perspective represents a specific belief system:

While many believe in a divine creator, it is important to recognize that scientific theories on the origins of the solar system and life on Earth differ significantly from religious interpretations. According to scientific consensus, the solar system formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago through natural processes such as gravitational collapse and accretion of dust and gas. Likewise, the origin of life on Earth is a subject of ongoing scientific research, with theories that involve chemical processes and evolution over millions of years.

The moon’s formation is generally understood to be the result of a massive collision between a young Earth and a celestial body known as Theia, rather than a direct parallel to the creation of Adam and Eve as described in religious texts.

Furthermore, while there are indeed symbolic associations between the moon and femininity in various cultures, it is important to distinguish between mythology and scientific understanding.

The idea that the Earth and the moon must always coexist to support life is not consistent with the scientific understanding of how celestial bodies operate within our solar system. The gravitational interactions between Earth and the moon do have effects on our planet, including tides, but life on Earth is not dependent on this relationship in the way suggested.

Regarding the involvement of angels, UFOs, and divine intervention in the Earth’s history, it’s important to acknowledge that these are beliefs based on faith rather than scientific evidence. Scientific explanations for the development of life and the evolution of species do not incorporate these concepts.

The notion that God brought genetic material to Earth and crossbred and multiplied species is not supported by scientific evidence. Evolutionary biology provides a well-established framework for understanding how species diversify and adapt to their environments over long periods of time, without the need for external intervention.

The idea that only humans possess souls is a matter of religious belief and not within the scope of scientific inquiry, which focuses on empirical observations and natural explanations.

The theory that modern humans evolved from chimpanzees is a misunderstanding of evolutionary biology. Both humans and chimpanzees share a common ancestor, but they followed separate evolutionary paths. Modern humans did not evolve directly from chimpanzees, but rather, we share a common ancestry with them.

In summary, while beliefs about the origin of the solar system and life vary, it is important to distinguish between religious or faith-based interpretations and scientific understanding. Science provides natural explanations for these phenomena, while religious beliefs often involve faith and interpretation of sacred texts. Respect for diverse perspectives and open dialogue can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of these complex topics.