Chapter I: The Origin of Sin – Unveiling the Truth about Original Sin

Dear friends, I initially did not intend to delve into this subject in this book, as I believe the world has entered a new era where understanding this concept may not be of immediate importance. Furthermore, the concept of original sin belongs to religion, and I approach it with caution. However, my close friend, Le Thanh Tan, has persistently urged me to dedicate a few pages to discussing ancestry. He has read numerous books and documents attempting to explain this issue, but none have satisfied him. He has spent over 70 years pursuing spirituality and has always sought answers to questions that have haunted him, including the nature of sin. He insists that many others share his curiosity.

In my previous two books, I briefly touched upon the topic of origins. Today, I will strive to provide a clear and substantial perspective on this issue, in the hope that it enriches your understanding. The concept of original sin, or the sin attributed to Adam and Eve’s consumption of forbidden fruit, is well-known in Christianity. However, questions linger about why Christians hold these beliefs. Is their viewpoint accurate, or is it false?

In my opinion, Christians are correct in their conception that Adam and Eve bear responsibility for the origin of sin. But there are deeper truths that they have yet to grasp. To truly understand this, or any other problem in life, one must consciously accept that every event in the universe has a cause, and the first cause is the most significant. Thus, who is the first cause of what we call sin? The answer lies with Adam and Eve or, more precisely, with the Creator.

As I outlined in “The Great Truth,” Adam and Eve are Exalted Creatures, manifestations of the Creator in human form, and they possessed God consciousness along with a transcendent software program known as the soul. This superior software program, the soul, was bestowed upon billions of pure souls created from Adam and Eve, which were distributed throughout the cosmos.

A soul is the essence of understanding love and fear, good and evil. Therefore, Adam and Eve, as Father God and Mother God, could never use their consciousness of light to cause sin; their purpose was to love their children infinitely. Christians regard Adam and Eve as human ancestors, inadvertently downplaying the status of Father God below that of Jesus/Sananda. In reality, Adam and Eve represent Father God and Mother God as the ancestors of all humanity in the cosmos, not just on Earth.

The true nature of the original sin, attributed to Adam and Eve’s consumption of forbidden fruit, may be a legend created by humans on Earth. Yet, legends inspired by God exist worldwide. Consider “Journey to the West” by the Chinese writer Ngo Thua An, where Sun Wukong possesses 72 magical abilities, potentially symbolizing 72 twin flames, offspring of Father God and Mother God. These legends offer insights into profound truths.

Similar legends can be found in other cultures, such as the Vietnamese tale of Lac Long Quan and Au Co, where Au Co gives birth to 100 eggs, symbolizing 50 pairs of twins or 100 children of the 2nd rank. Many aspects of life and the universe hold hidden truths, discernable only when viewed with multidimensional awareness.

The story of Adam and Eve consuming forbidden fruit may or may not be true, but it has brought to humanity an essential question: who are the ancestors of humankind?

If the origin of sin does not stem from Adam and Eve’s actions, where does it come from? There are two primary causes:

  1. The erroneous ideologies passed down by human ancestors on Earth. These misinterpretations of truth have been taught for generations, instilled in the minds of descendants. People rarely question these teachings and often consider them infallible due to their ancestral origin. Such beliefs include notions of a vengeful God rewarding obedience and punishing disobedience, the sanctity of defending religious honor, and the pursuit of karma, craving eradication, and revenge.
  2. Sins from past lives. Reincarnation brings the consequences of past actions to the present. Sins or virtues from previous incarnations manifest in the current life, and people often rebirth within their own lineage. For example, if grandparents lived virtuously, their descendants may inherit wealth and fame. Conversely, if grandparents acted poorly, their grandchildren may suffer. This is the essence of the concept of Offspring Sin.

The resurrection of Christ is not about Jesus physically rising from the dead on Earth; it symbolizes the awakening of Christ consciousness within each human being. You have forgotten the divine light within, but now you will gradually remember and revive the consciousness of Christ within you.

In conclusion, I encourage you to adopt an open and multidimensional perspective on all issues, including the concept of original sin. Do not solely blame Adam and Eve, for they are your supreme Gods. By clinging to darkness consciousness, you are punishing yourself, not facing divine retribution. Letting go of these beliefs can lead to a more enlightened and fulfilled life.


CHAPTER II: The Nature of Free Will – A Deeper Understanding

Dear friends, in the early days of my spiritual journey, I held a rather skeptical view of the concept of “free will.” Like many of us, my understanding was limited, and I saw it as a somewhat fraudulent idea. I questioned the existence of true freedom in a world that seemed filled with constraints and limitations. I pondered how spiritual forces could influence human lives if we possessed such free will. These thoughts led me to believe that destiny, karma, and other related concepts were incompatible with the idea of free will.

For instance, I once believed that free will was synonymous with the right to desire, the power to determine our desires. However, it appeared that people often desired happiness, prosperity, health, beauty, and well-being, yet many didn’t seem to attain these goals. This discrepancy between desires and outcomes further fueled my doubts about the concept of free will.

But as I delved deeper into my spiritual journey and contemplated questions like “Who am I?” and “What am I?” I gained a profound understanding of what free will truly means. I came to realize that my earlier skepticism had been based on a limited perspective, and I needed to expand my understanding.

Before we delve into the true nature of free will, let’s consider the term “consciousness” as a tool. We all understand that consciousness is linked to awareness and plays a crucial role in forming our thoughts and minds. Therefore, it’s essential to explore why God grants us not only free will but also freedom of consciousness, even though He doesn’t explicitly mention it.

In reality, freedom of consciousness has been largely absent since our arrival on Earth. From the moment we entered this realm, our freedom of consciousness has been restricted to the physical realm, bound by the limitations of two strands of DNA and the 3D space of Earth. We have been unable to directly access God’s light source consciousness. Instead, we can access God’s light consciousness through beings such as Buddha Shakyamuni, Jesus Christ, J. Krishnamurti, Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein.

The intervention of spiritual forces has further limited our consciousness, controlling our thoughts and perceptions. This influence begins during fetal development and continues throughout our lives, shaping our intellectual experiences. This control is based on the karma we have accumulated in previous lives.

For example, if our past karma is positive, we are granted favorable circumstances: we are born healthy, intelligent, and with natural talents. Our brains function optimally, making learning and memory effortless. Conversely, negative karma may lead to challenging circumstances, such as illness or disabilities, which hinder our intellectual development.

However, our freedom of will remains intact. It is our innate right to choose and desire as we please, based on our own perception, knowledge, and wisdom. God and spiritual forces do not intervene in our desires and choices, which are determined by our individual souls.

In essence, free will represents the absolute freedom of our souls. It is the right to choose and desire anything, to create vibrations aligned with our soul’s wishes. God grants us the full right to exercise this freedom without interference. As long as our choices and desires contribute to our soul’s growth and experience, they are honored.

Yet, despite this freedom, our wishes may not always be fulfilled as expected. This is because our desires must align with our karma, specifically the choices and wishes we made in past lives. The timing of their fulfillment follows a linear chronological order.

In recent times, our wishes can manifest in our current lives, provided we accumulate sufficient energy. However, this wasn’t always the case. For thousands of years, humanity’s package of choices lacked the essential elements of God’s light source consciousness, light energy, and pure love energy. Our choices were limited to experiences rooted in darkness, dark energy, and fear.

Although we possess the freedom to choose, our options have been limited by the contents of our package. We couldn’t select what wasn’t available. This limitation resulted in us often choosing experiences of darkness and fear, aligning with our limited perception at the time.

Consider this as a child selecting toys in a supermarket. The child chooses based on their current age and perception. Similarly, our choices have been limited by our collective consciousness, which was restricted during most of our history on Earth.

I acknowledge that my explanation may seem contradictory, as I first appeared to criticize God’s package and then defended it. However, I aim to present the truth from multiple perspectives.

In essence, I wish to emphasize that God, Buddha, or any enlightened being never judges us. They don’t engage in debates or arguments. They understand that we are always right in our own way. Nevertheless, the full expression of free will is not yet realized, as we are still on a journey of temporal experience. To fully access our free will, we must attain full awareness and consciousness.

Therefore, as you reflect on your life and explore the limitations of free will, consider the deeper purpose of your existence. What have you come here to learn and experience?



CHAPTER III: The Nature of Telepathy – Communication Beyond Words

Dear friends, let’s dive right into the essence of telepathy, without rehashing what many already understand. Telepathy, in its truest form, is a method of communication employed in the world of light. It transcends spoken language and all other forms of human communication.

In the world of light, telepathy reigns as the supreme means of interaction among beings. It allows communication directly through the mind, through consciousness. This powerful tool extends beyond mere thoughts; it facilitates emotional communication, and indeed, it can be used for communication about anything. All of this communication is based on a superior mechanism, often referred to as telepathic communication.

In our current world, understanding between individuals typically relies on spoken or written words. However, the limitation of these methods is that they only convey the surface of one’s thoughts. For example, you may express your happiness, sadness, fear, or bravery through words, but these words cannot transmit the actual emotions you experience. They can only offer an external glimpse into your inner world.

Telepathy, on the other hand, enables the transmission of both thoughts and emotions directly and honestly.

Consider this example: During communication with God, you might describe your emotional state as “normal” with a sense of inner excitement and happiness. However, deep inside, you might feel an overwhelming wave of emotion, perhaps joy or even tears that you can’t hold back. These emotions aren’t your own; they originate from God and are conveyed to you through telepathy.

I’ve personally experienced numerous instances of this phenomenon. For instance, during my first contact with Mother God, Archangel Michael, and Lady Nada, I found myself crying uncontrollably. These were tears of profound joy and happiness, not sorrow. Similarly, during a conversation with Father God on the first day of the Lunar New Year in 1992, I suddenly burst into tears. Although God didn’t explain the reason that day, it became clear when I later had a near-fatal traffic accident in March of the same year.

These experiences illustrate that telepathy is a means of emotional communication. It allows you to share and receive emotions as they are genuinely felt, rather than relying on words that may not fully convey the depth of those emotions.

In the world of light, spoken language is rarely used; instead, telepathy is the preferred mode of communication. Beings in the world of light can sit together without speaking and use telepathy to interact. This form of communication is direct, yet it isn’t entirely without intermediaries.

To help you understand this concept, picture two people sitting across from each other, separated by a soundproof mirror. Both hold phones and communicate through them. Even though they can see each other, their words must pass through the phone system to be heard. Similarly, telepathic communication involves a central system located in the center of the universe, through which information is transmitted. The beauty of telepathy lies in the speed at which information is conveyed—almost instantaneously—based on brainwave technology. It is a form of indirect communication, with the word “telepathy” carrying three distinct meanings:

  1. It refers to the method of communication, the way information is transmitted.
  2. It implies distance is not a limitation in telepathy.
  3. It suggests that communication is not direct but rather transmitted through an intermediary.

Remarkably, everyone on Earth possesses the ability to use telepathy, even though most are unaware of it. However, we tend to use only half of this ability—sending information—and often neglect the receiving part. This is because, to engage in telepathic communication on Earth, one must undergo certain preparations, such as chakra adjustments and pineal gland purification. Additionally, individuals must practice and develop the ability to feel and discern the transmitted information. Initially, it can be challenging to distinguish between information from telepathic communication and information from the subconscious mind.

Distinguishing among different sources of inner voices is essential:

  1. Inner voice from the subconscious: Thoughts or self-generated inner voices.
  2. Telepathic communication: Thoughts and information transmitted to and from others.
  3. Supernatural inner voice: Information arising from the superconscious mind. This information flows naturally, and you have no control over it. It may temporarily leave you numb, unable to judge or categorize it, but you will remember it in detail.

In particular, identifying information from the subconscious can be difficult, as it becomes part of your own thought process.

Some believe that there exists a universal language comprehensible across the entire universe. However, this is not entirely accurate. While a common language might seem beneficial for communication, it could potentially stifle the diversity of language and culture throughout the universe. Each language, whether of a nation, region, or planet, represents a unique facet of Divine God’s consciousness. No language can encapsulate the entirety of God’s truth.

There is, however, a universal language shared by all beings throughout the universe: the language of Love. Love transcends all languages and serves as the eternal means of communication among sentient beings.

In the universe, beings communicate with diverse languages, each reflecting their unique perspective and consciousness. To communicate with one another, individuals like you and me access each other’s languages through the universal database of God’s consciousness. This enables us to converse in the language familiar to the other person.

Similarly, Jesus/Sananda desires to communicate with you, transcending language barriers. Regardless of the language you speak, He can connect with you in your native tongue. His access to the source consciousness grants Him this capability.

In the world of light, when individuals initiate contact, they adapt to the language of the other party. This remains true whether you actively reach out to them or vice versa. For instance, when you call upon Jesus/Sananda, Archangel Michael, Saint Germain, or any other being from the world of light, they will communicate with you fluently in the language you are most comfortable with. God, on the other hand, is unique in this regard. Whether you are in the world of light or the realm of darkness, when you actively call upon God or when God initiates contact with you, you have the freedom to use the language in which you are most proficient. God represents God consciousness, the embodiment of total consciousness.

Telepathy offers a unique ability to communicate with all forms of life, including animals and plants. To harness this extraordinary tool, one must be in a state of complete awakening and full consciousness. The fundamental principle behind communicating with a lion or a rose is no different from communicating with humans. Accessing the source repository of consciousness grants you access to the languages of all conscious species. From this point, you can utilize the appropriate language for communication.

I’d like to address an important point related to empathy and the soul. In “The True Story,” I mentioned that within each of us, as earthly beings, there is a piece of God’s soul. This fragment allows us to experience life intimately. For those who achieve full awakening, God’s complete consciousness resides within them. In reality, God does not need to install anything within humans because God is ever-present, facilitating the experience of every thought, emotion, and action. This constant connection with God occurs through the technology of telepathy, as God communicates with you and all beings in the Universe.

It’s crucial to understand that God maintains communion not only with those inhabiting the world of light but also with all beings, both in the realms of light and darkness, across all space. Losing this connection with God equates to spiritual death. When your soul departs from your body, you enter a state of death, awaiting reincarnation. During this period of rest, you remain disconnected from God. Telepathic technology is immensely superior to traditional communication methods, and Christians have described this connection as fellowship in their doctrine.


CHAPTER IV: Understanding Ascension – Unveiling the Truth

Dear friends,

In recent years, the term “ascension” has become a common theme in the messages from the Light forces. But what is the essence of ascension? Is it a wave of energy, or perhaps an ascending force?

In truth, ascension is neither a rising wave nor an energy form. Ascension is a state of consciousness—an individual’s personal endeavor to elevate their awareness of light and their understanding of truth. The word “ascension” may be most easily understood as a journey towards heaven. However, this journey does not involve your physical body ascending to heaven, nor does it pertain to the ascent of your soul. Instead, it involves the upward expansion of your consciousness towards heaven, towards God.

The initial step in your ascension process revolves around gaining a genuine understanding of God, recognizing true values in life, and embracing the spiritual dimension. Light consciousness serves as the foundation and a tool to aid you in your ascension journey and healing. This light consciousness acts as a guiding beacon, leading your soul towards the path of unconditional love. It emerges from your perception and the collective consciousness of humanity. As time unfolds, God will increasingly send waves of light energy and love energy to Earth for humanity to use. Alongside this, the forces in the world of light will make physical corrections, making it easier for individuals to access their own super consciousness.

Ascension, therefore, is not a mere concept but a transformative process that involves evolving your consciousness towards a higher state of understanding and connection with the divine.

The process of ascension unfolds as you journey along an ascending spiral. It begins with the perception of light, which serves as an instrument for healing. Progress in healing, in turn, aids the correction of the physical body. A corrected physical state facilitates deeper access to the metaphysical realm, elevating your perception. This heightened awareness further supports effective healing, creating a cycle of growth and transformation. The ultimate goal is for each of us to achieve full awakening and complete consciousness.

It’s crucial to understand that ascension is a process that demands individual effort. No one else can undertake it on your behalf. God and the Light forces can provide support, but your active participation is essential. If you resist awakening or fail to work on yourself, external assistance cannot replace your personal commitment. Light consciousness is the driving force that deepens your capacity for love, the foundation of all positive aspects of human life.

The connection between the ascension process and remembering your true self is profound. Ascension and awakening are intertwined processes; expanding your perception of light involves letting go of past misconceptions. This is the key to supporting your spiritual healing and improving your physical body. Expanding your awareness of light equates to expanding your understanding of the truth about your life and the spiritual world. You must ask yourself if you’re willing to release outdated beliefs to embrace the truth, even if it contradicts your previous notions. To succeed in your healing journey, you must embrace the new insights fully, without doubt, and not cling to old foundations.

Imagine your ascension as a tree aspiring to reach the sky. To nurture this tree, you must plant it in the sunlight, consistently provide nourishment and water, and prune away weak or diseased branches. This focused care ensures the tree’s strength and growth. Conversely, if you retain all the small and weak branches, they can hinder the tree’s development. Similarly, holding on to outdated knowledge while seeking new insights prevents your spiritual growth.

It’s akin to having a state-of-the-art 52-inch flat-screen TV but persistently using a black-and-white television from the 60s or 70s. You might view the new TV as mere decoration and remain tied to the outdated one. Doubting what you’ve learned is akin to riding a child’s wooden horse tirelessly; you may expend effort, but you remain stationary. The laws of evolution teach us that failing to progress renders us obsolete.

Likewise, if you desire to receive knowledge of light but refuse to let go of past knowledge, your ascension will stall. All your conscious activities, whether rooted in love or fear, access energy. The frequency and weight of the energy you accumulate depend on the presence of darkness or light in your choices. Embrace light-sensitive information to connect with compatible energy sources. However, if you cling to dark knowledge, you will also connect with corresponding dark energy sources. This creates a significant internal struggle, leaving you neither ascending nor descending.

Imagine your body’s energy as a paint tank filled with only red and black colors. To transform, introduce white and yellow paints into the mix. As you persist with these lighter colors, your paint blend will shift from gray to creamy. This analogy illustrates the journey to full awakening and complete consciousness, where your energy becomes a harmonious blend of light.