Dear friends,

I am considering ending the book here because I am aware it has become quite lengthy. However, before I conclude, I’d like to share some of my personal perspectives. My journey to seek the truth began with a desire to find a solution to the suffering and fear that life itself had brought me. I believed that uncovering the truth would lead to a fuller and happier life, free from fear.

For instance, during my quest to understand numbers and patterns, I discovered external forces manipulating outcomes. These forces could influence my mind using energy waves, altering results beyond my expectations. This led me to contemplate creating a device to shield against this control. However, I soon realized that these control waves could penetrate Earth easily, rendering my efforts futile. Instead of fighting against them, I decided to delve deeper into understanding the truth about these forces.

I initially pursued a career that I believed would lead to a better life, even though I viewed it negatively. My primary motivation was to improve my life circumstances. Eventually, my pursuit led me down a spiritual path, although I never initially saw it that way, as I held aversions to spiritual language.

In my quest, I encountered concepts such as God, divinity, good, evil, light, dark, heaven, and hell. I began to realize that, irrespective of what I found, my ultimate goal was to seek a better life, not necessarily spiritual enlightenment. I sought prosperity, happiness, and fulfillment, both for myself and for others. Some might consider this goal trivial, but it remained my driving force.

Despite my ability to communicate directly with the Creator, Father God, and beings in the world of light, I always held life as the most crucial aspect of existence. Even though I didn’t fully understand God or my relationship with Him, I lived in His infinite love. This made me recognize that everything in life, from the smallest desires to the most significant accomplishments, was connected to God.

I hoped that this book would help improve your lives on Earth. Therefore, I ask that you perceive it as a source of practical knowledge rather than as a spiritual or psychological text. In my view, Dao represents knowledge and consciousness, ethics reflects the vibrations from the heart, and the true essence of love is love itself. My moral standpoint centers around the mind and soul, with light and love representing their highest manifestations.

While I acknowledge the potential for positive change, I emphasize that the most critical aspect of life remains life itself. I do not intend to vilify or judge anyone, but I aim to reveal the truth. Recognizing these truths may cause discomfort, challenging traditional moral values and beliefs.

Throughout history, spiritual leaders like Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad came with seemingly benevolent intentions. However, their true purposes often concealed ulterior motives. They imposed conservative and dogmatic ideologies to control and suppress people, resulting in countless conflicts and suffering.

Despite the traps set by these figures and ideologies, humanity has continuously sought escape from suffering. Paradoxically, these attempts often led to more misery. Although they brought light, it was often overshadowed by darkness. They offered justice but also fueled hatred and violence. Their inventions had both constructive and destructive applications, accelerating our path toward self-destruction.

However, I do not blame or judge these figures or organizations. I believe that everything in this earthly game is part of God’s plan for perfection. My aim is not to condemn but to convey the truth as I understand it.

I urge you not to fear anything or anyone, including God and those in the world of light. Embrace love, ignore darkness, and reach for the light. Understand that you are already perfect, regardless of your circumstances. God views every experience, whether joyful or painful, as perfect, as it contributes to your growth and evolution.

I also want to offer you a strong piece of advice: Regardless of your current circumstances, always believe that tomorrow will be a good day—a day filled with happiness, safety, and joy. Believe it with unwavering conviction, and it will manifest. Wake up each morning with the thought that today will be the best, happiest, and most joyful day for you, and you’ll find that your thoughts become your reality. This is the power of positive thinking and intention. If you haven’t seen it happen yet, don’t lose heart. Continue using this positive energy accumulation as a tool for self-improvement. Remember, the transition from the unreal to the real is a process that occurs over time and through the accumulation of energy, so be patient.

In conclusion, I sincerely hope that the information I’ve shared in this book, as well as in my previous works, has been of help to you in some way. However, if my perspective doesn’t align with yours or if you haven’t found it beneficial, I encourage you to view everything I’ve shared as if you’ve never encountered it before, and don’t dwell on it any further.

I want to make it clear that I have no intention of sparking debates or disputes about what is right or wrong, good or bad, true or false. From my viewpoint, people are always right, and you are right just as you are. If there’s any confusion or if you’d like a deeper understanding of what I’ve written, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m more than willing to help to the best of my abilities.

I wish you ongoing success and happiness in this life.



First and foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude to the Creator, followed by heartfelt thanks to God. I’m immensely grateful to my brothers, sisters, and friends in the world of light, who have dedicated themselves to assist me in completing this book. Special thanks go to our beloved Mother God, who has been with me day and night, offering guidance whenever I’ve needed it.

Of course, I cannot forget to express my sincere appreciation to my dear wife, two daughters, two sons-in-law, my son, and my most precious granddaughter. Their unwavering support and motivation have been the driving force behind my quest for truth. They’ve posed practical questions related to life that have helped me uncover deeper truths. They are the living representations of life’s realities.

I also want to extend my gratitude to my friend Le Thanh Tan, who has always been available to share thoughts and feelings with me, and who has provided valuable insights for the content of this book. My brother, Truong Cong Huynh Chon, and my friend with the nickname Hùng A Hùng 123 from the community of light have also offered unwavering support and shared in the process of writing this book.

I even express my gratitude to my ancestors and those who have passed away, as from their resting places, I have gained insights into the truth about so-called departed souls. Sincere thanks go out to everyone in the world, all beings in the universe, regardless of whether they dwell in the world of light or darkness. Gratitude is extended to animals, plants, and all things in the universe, as they’ve collectively contributed to the understanding of the profound connections between people, species, and the elements, enabling life to reach its highest potential. Above all, this has allowed me to grasp the enormity and greatness of God’s consciousness.

Thank you, from the depths of my heart. Da Nang City, Vietnam, on December 24, 2016.

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Nguyen Ngoc Thuan