Dear friends, before we conclude this journey in search of the truth, I’d like to take a moment to share my genuine feelings. This journey has been a profound one for me, and it has left a lasting impact. After uncovering this truth, I found myself in a state of stillness, and my body felt weary. I lay there silently, as if my body lacked a soul, deep in thought, unsure of my emotions. At that moment, I experienced a peculiar mix of fear and happiness. What I had accessed was an incredibly significant truth, surpassing all the knowledge I had gathered about the spiritual world before. I’m grateful because this truth has the potential to explain many questions, contradictions, and uncertainties that have long lingered within me. It also has the power to address numerous unexplained aspects of both the dark and light worlds.

Following this overwhelming moment, someone appeared to me through telepathy. It was the Creator, and He said, “I sincerely congratulate you on your remarkable achievement thus far. I’m also delighted to congratulate all the inhabitants of Earth. Humanity has received a momentous truth, a pivotal milestone in the evolution of our species. Thank you for your contribution to this historic mission.”

Next, Father God extended His blessings, and Mother God expressed her gratitude, saying, “I’m truly thankful for what you have done and what you intend to do for this world. Your unwavering commitment to uncover the highest truth of the universe is commendable. What you know and will share with the world is akin to an explanation for God Himself. This truth, long held in secrecy, will become the most crucial piece of information, capable of dispelling doubts and questions within the hearts of humanity. Henceforth, humans can better comprehend why God appears indifferent to human suffering and why the world appears incomprehensible. People will finally understand why God’s omnipotence and boundless love are so often questioned.”

Many other Masters, including Jesus/Sananda, Lady Nada, Lord Michael, Saint Germain, Lord Ashtar/Shakyamuni, and even Shanta Gabriel, congratulated me and sent their regards to our world.

Two days later, I called my best friend, Le Thanh Tan, to share this revelation with him. Once again, the Creator appeared through telepathy and spoke to my friend, saying, “Hello, dear friend. How do you feel about the truth that Nguyen Ngoc Thuan has just shared with you?”

Le Thanh Tan replied, “Sir, this is wonderful news, and in my opinion, when people come to know this truth, they will have a deeper understanding of God.”

The Creator responded, “Your belief that people will gain a deeper understanding of Me is a noble thought. However, from My perspective, whether humanity on Earth acknowledges Me or comprehends Me at this time is not the most crucial matter. Regardless of whether people are aware of Me or honor Me, I love them unconditionally. My love for humanity is unwavering, whether or not they understand or revere Me. Therefore, the truth holds paramount importance for humanity. With this truth, people can escape darkness and suffering, understanding their purpose on Earth. When people grasp this truth, they will apply it to their lives, leading to a better, happier, more prosperous, and safer existence. Eventually, they will attain complete happiness and eternal peace. As they awaken and become fully conscious, they will naturally understand and appreciate Me. I will welcome them with open arms, and it’s never too late for anyone.”

The Creator continued, “Throughout history, spiritual teachers have reminded people that every creation of the Creator is perfect. However, have you ever seen mortals accept evil and suffering as perfect? The truth is that understanding the perfection in evil and suffering is not an easy task. I never aimed to convince anyone that all My creations are always perfect. Nevertheless, I am willing to offer a chance. If you can identify something that appears imperfect, something that is not perfect, and present it to Me, I will yield the throne to your creator. This promise extends to all beings in the Universe. Everyone has the opportunity to try. But I must caution you—when you find what seems irrational or imperfect in something or a particular matter, don’t rely on preconceived notions to make judgments. Base your judgments on truth, universal principles, and the laws governing all life and existence.”

Dear friends and two adorable little companions,

I am the Creator.

After my friend heard the teachings of the Creator, it left him truly surprised and somewhat apprehensive. Being a Creator is not a matter of understanding or challenging; it’s not a bet or competition. In all of eternity, my eternal friend can never replace the Creator. The Creator’s affirmation, that there can never be anything irrational or imperfect in all of His creation, is a profound statement. It leads us to a truth: the existence of one aspect implies the non-existence of its opposite. What we perceive as irrational or imperfect is due to our limited understanding. This is an undeniable truth.

Mother God’s words reminded me of an incident. After “The Great Truth” was posted on the web and various forums, a commenter raised a question: “You praise your God as omnipotent and full of love, but why did your God create such an incomprehensible world? Moreover, if He is truly omnipotent, wouldn’t He know He was creating a flawed product, given all the suffering on Earth? Shouldn’t He intervene to fix His own defective creation? However, He has never appeared or shown any real concern for this flawed creation. So, I believe your God, as you describe Him in your book, is just a way to explain natural processes based on your imagination.”

I read the comment and was at a loss for a response. The question was reasonable, and it had troubled me for many years. Even as I began writing “The Ultimate Truth,” I thought I had found an answer to this question. However, I eventually realized that I still didn’t have a genuine answer. The explanations I provided in “The Ultimate Truth” about suffering, evil, and the world’s imperfections were still justifications and support, not the complete truth. There were many gaps in my interpretation.

Honestly, before delving into the truth of the dark experience, I was relieved. I believed it could resolve all the conflicts and paradoxes between the light and dark worlds. To briefly explain, the truth of experiencing darkness suggests that individuals voluntarily enter the dark world to gain experience. Through this experience, God can understand Himself through human experiences in the dark world, all while humans are fully conscious. However, after completing “The Ultimate Truth,” I realized that relying solely on this truth to explain all the imperfections and contradictions in the world was insufficient.

Messages from Masters like Jesus/Sananda, Lord Michael, and others often mentioned words like “obligations,” “missions,” or “tasks” when referring to the reasons people come to Earth. They never spoke of volunteering. From their messages, I realized there was intention behind their choice of words. This led me to distinguish between “obligations,” “missions,” “tasks,” and “volunteering.” The former group implies following instructions and completing work without the freedom to refuse, while the latter signifies a voluntary, unforced choice.

I realized that the Masters intended to convey to mortals that they came to Earth to experience the world, not by voluntary choice, as I had previously thought. There was a significant flaw in my understanding if I relied solely on the truth of the dark experience to explain all the existential paradoxes in this world.

From this realization, I made further assumptions. If God’s intention was solely to experience the dark world and forced humans into earthly obligations that led to suffering, it would be absurd and highly contradictory. This would imply that man is obliged to fulfill his duty to God, providing Him with an experience, regardless of the suffering it causes. The contradiction arises because this portrayal of God contradicts the idea of an omnipotent and loving deity. God is not a being who causes suffering; He is omnipotent and full of love. God lacks nothing, desires nothing, and requires nothing from man because God is the Divine. It is untrue to use the truth of the dark experience to explain all the conflicts and existing contradictions between the nature of God and imperfections in the world.

     If we consider that human arrival on Earth is a voluntary act aimed at helping individuals find their own experiences, it’s clear that the master would not use the words “duty” or “mission” but rather “volunteer.” However, if the Masters did indeed use the words “duty” or “mission” to suggest that humans come to Earth for a specific purpose, there must be a significant reason behind it. The question then becomes, what is this reason, and why would it compel beings throughout the Universe to carry out the mission of expanding and experiencing the world of darkness created by God? This question is the key to unraveling all the paradoxes that exist in our world, including concepts of good, evil, righteousness, morality, gain, and loss.

To clarify, if the experience on this planet is a duty or an obligatory assignment for all beings in the universe, then it follows that you cannot simply say “no” to your own duty.

Dear friends, to grasp the truth, you need to contemplate just four words: Yin-Yang Balance – Energy Balance – Creativity Balance – Balanced Life. These four words encompass the essence of understanding the truth, and they can also be referred to as Clearing and Balancing or Energy Preservation.

In my opinion, there’s no need for anyone to teach you or guide you; you can realize that all creative endeavors can achieve success and sustainability when you focus on balancing the processes of creation and operation. The principle of yin and yang is fundamental to all creative endeavors. Whether it’s the largest objects like a galaxy or the smallest particles like quarks, they all embody positive and negative elements in balance. This balance can be observed in everyday life, from batteries with cathodes and anodes to the operation of electric motors.

Similarly, the law of yin and yang is fundamental in the field of energy, as well as in the functioning and preservation of the universe and all life within it. Energy is the lifeblood of all creation, and it operates based on this balance. In essence, God’s first creation was energy, which He intended to use for all subsequent creations, including the universe and living beings.

You might wonder how maintaining energy balance is related to the suffering and crimes committed by humanity in the world. In reality, God has the capacity to maintain energy balance to sustain the entire universe. However, despite this balance, the world is plagued by suffering and crimes.

Consider this analogy: God represents all material and immaterial forces that exist. These forces are in a constant state of equilibrium, ensuring the existence of the universe and all that inhabits it. Although we cannot see these energies with the naked eye or fully understand them scientifically, it’s essential to recognize that we are constantly accessing, integrating, accumulating, and using these energies in our lives.

Despite our lack of specific knowledge about light energy, pure love energy, dark energy, and fear, we access and utilize these energy sources every day. What’s crucial is that we are aware of whether we are accessing our own light and love energy or the source of dark energy and fear. For thousands of years, most of us have been using dark and fearful energy sources.

This raises a critical question: If we are all children of God and part of God, why are we living in an imperfect world and primarily using dark energy and fear to sustain our lives? Why do those in the world of light enjoy a perfect existence with access to light and love energy?

The contradiction between these two worlds emerges because God and other Masters proclaim that we are all children of God, yet we suffer so much while they live in peace and happiness. This apparent contradiction has led some to believe that God punishes us for our sins. However, everything that happens is part of God’s omniscient plan.



In reality, all the thoughts and beliefs held by humans throughout history have some degree of truth in them. These beliefs have been used to explain numerous conflicts and paradoxes. God has deliberately hidden certain truths, leaving many conflicts unexplained. To truly understand why Earth’s inhabitants were allowed access to dark and frightening energy sources while being denied access to their opposite counterparts, we must focus on the concept of ENERGY BALANCE, which plays a crucial role in the human experience.

Your duty to exist in the dark world is twofold: balancing all the energies created by God and gaining real experiences and understanding with God, moving beyond mere concepts while maintaining full consciousness.

God initially created both light energy and love energy as well as dark energy and fear energy. God encompasses both yin and yang, light and darkness, love and fear. Everything from God has a dual nature. However, once these energies were created, there needed to be beings to use them. Those living in the world of light exclusively use light and love energy, while mortals on Earth are permitted to use dark energy and fear.

One might assume that God didn’t intend for His children to experience so much suffering and evil, thus negating the need for the dark world. In this scenario, all of God’s children would live in the world of light, accessing light and love energy, and would never have to experience darkness or fear. However, as you will come to understand, God’s plan involves the coexistence of both light and dark energies.

If God created dark and frightening energies but no one used them, these energies would remain unused and unbalanced. God does not use these energies as He represents light and love. Consequently, God would have to leave these energies to float in space without attention. However, all of God’s children need access to light and love energy for their existence. Therefore, God must continuously create energy sources, balancing light and love energy with dark and fear energy. If this process were not in place, an imbalance would lead to an overabundance of dark and fear energy, potentially causing destruction.

Consider this analogy: If we were to destroy all plant life on Earth and deplete the planet of oxygen, how long would it take for the world to become uninhabitable due to our environmental destruction?

From this perspective, you can see that you come to this world to fulfill a duty rather than a voluntary mission. Through your experiences in the dark world, you gain essential knowledge and understanding with God. To experience the dark world fully, you must use dark and fear energy, even though it may operate beneath the surface of your consciousness. Accessing, integrating, accumulating, and using dark energy and fear is your primary task each time you come to Earth.

While it’s true that coming to this world can be considered a duty or mission given by God, all your actions and experiences here ultimately benefit you rather than others. Currently, most people predominantly use dark and fear energy, while those in the world of light primarily use light and love energy. In the near future, upon returning home and regaining full awareness, you will use the same energy sources as those in the world of light. Therefore, it’s imperative for you to consume dark and fear energy now to balance the sources of light and love that people in the world of light are consuming. In time, when you return home, other souls will replace you in the dark world, fulfilling the duty of rotation, just as you have done.

Ultimately, life provides each individual with justice. The actions and choices we make lead to consequences. Those who have consumed vast amounts of dark energy through their actions will face the corresponding suffering, which is the energy of fear. When you and others decided to come to this world, the intention was to experience the darkest aspects of life to prepare for a joyful and glorious return home.

     …..You can imagine, at the present, you are in the world of light and light energy and love that you are using is oxygen gas and emits carbon dioxide. At the same time, vegetation and vegetation are the people of the dark world and the dark and frightening energy they consume most of carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. But temporarily you step out of this imaginary space, then I invite you to stand in the position of the observer. So when you are in the position of an observer, should you criticize or condemn the vegetation and the trees? Because they are consuming the one you leave. And if you cannot criticize or condemn them, in reverse you love and appreciate them. So ask, why do you love and appreciate them? In fact, no need to ask this question, I am still convinced that anyone can answer this question. From that can show you, the bigger, the bigger, the better, the better, the more beneficial the human.

     Likewise, God and people in the world of light to the human world, just as we do to the vegetation and the trees. People know that the bigger a tree, the more carbon dioxide it consumes and the more oxygen it releases. God knows that the more evil, and the more suffering is, the more they will be consumed by the dark and the frightened. God and people in the world of light will also appreciate and love you, like you love the old trees.

     You can imagine, the evil forces in the human world are very similar to the old trees. The evil ones are the ones who always live on the suffering of others, moreover they are always trying to squeeze and suppress the people around them in search of benefits. Similarly, the bigger a tree, the more nutrients and carbon dioxide it inhabits. In addition, its foliage will cover a very wide area under its body. Because of that, the small trees around and under the trunk of the big tree hated the big trees because it was always heavily affected.

    In fact, the truths of two things, of two worlds are the same, so you are very hateful of evil people and evil forces. But you do not hate the big trees, but sometimes you have to sacrifice the small trees that live under the big trees, in order to create the best living conditions for the big trees. Likewise, God never hates evil people and evil forces, but God sometimes has to sacrifice the lives of good people in order to create the best living conditions for evil people. And from this truth, at times you often mourn the fact that good and evil people die prematurely. The evil and the evil are always alive freely.

    You see, no matter what the truth, our purpose and obligation is to pursue it. But in fact, once you have understood the truth you still feel a bitter, there is some kind of overlap. So, after seeing this truth, my heart is broken and very bitter in the bitterness.

     But as you see, everything that is happening in this world of ours, is not out of the question, is to help people in the world of light gain more light and love energy, more love in life. Indeed, from that you can see that, when you honor, you love and appreciate a great tree, it is like God and people in the world of light honoring, loving and grateful. He is very cruel and suffering too much. From this reality, you can have one truth for you, the more suffering, the better for man in 3d and more evil, They will become greater in the eyes of God and in the world of light.

    Actually here, I just want to give you an example, which can help you visualize equilibrium truth. But I do not think that people in the light world who consume light energy and love will emit dark energy and fear. And conversely, people on Earth after consuming dark energy and fear will create light energy and love, just as humans consume oxygen and produce carbon dioxide and reverse carbon dioxide. Discharge of oxygen. But in reality, these two things still have a certain similarity, in order to bring about the balance of God’s creation. Indeed, whether you are aware of it or not, in reality, the life of plants and plants has always had a very important and necessary influence on the lives of humans and animals’ species on Earth. Next to this perfect linkage, human life on Earth in the past and present has always had a very important and necessary influence on the life of humanity in the world of light. And of course, everything, everything, always has a close connection for existence and can never be separated in eternal, eternal life. From there you can realize that life in the dark world is the basis of life in the world of light. So, as I said above, the price of heaven must be hell is perfectly valid.

     You see, even to the animals that are present on Earth are still performing their duties, let alone humans. You may not have heard of the gods, and you should not interfere with nature, nor should you intervene in the wilderness. Indeed, people are often greedy and often think that they are right based on prejudice, so often interferes with nature. For example, you will cut down forests, stop the flow of rivers to make hydropower or hunt wildlife, all for the benefit of you. For example, you often think that you are right, when you see a supporting snake attacking a rabbit, you give yourself the right to judge that the snake is too evil to kill the snake to save your life. Example: You are holding a gun in your hand, by chance you see a pack of wolves attacking and preparing to tear the deer’s body. Or you happen to see a lion attack and prepare to tear a deer. So, you do not hesitate to shoot guns aimed at wolves or lions to rescue the coyote or the deer.

In these moments, your actions might reflect an unwillingness to witness evil or extremely painful deaths. You may think of yourself as a person full of love and morality, feeling compassion for both humans and animals. However, it’s essential to understand that intervening in nature unconsciously is misguided.

Nature’s events are always orchestrated perfectly by God, even if they don’t align with human perceptions. When a snake attacks a rabbit or a pack of wolves hunts a deer, their aggressive nature is simply a response driven by their need to access a significant amount of dark energy. On the other hand, the prey experiences intense fear and accesses fear energy due to the painful and terrifying nature of the attack. Interfering in these natural processes disrupts the roles of predator and prey.

God also created other creatures like flies, mosquitoes, mice, and insects, and they serve a purpose in helping you access dark energy and fear. These creatures are not intended as food for humans but are part of the food chain for carnivores. The interaction between predators and prey is a crucial aspect of fulfilling their missions. It’s essential to recognize that every living entity, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is an integral part of the whole and contributes to the overall balance of the universe.

Consider the impact of seemingly minor events on a larger scale:

  1. Political Leaders and Viruses: The health of political leaders, such as the Presidents of the United States or China, can have a significant impact on the world. If they fall ill due to viruses silently attacking their cells, it can lead to global consequences. Therefore, the actions of viruses can influence the world.
  2. Butterfly Effect: A butterfly’s wing flapping in one place may seem insignificant, but it can lead to significant consequences if it creates panic due to environmental destruction. For example, deforestation caused by humans can disturb the natural order, and even a single butterfly’s actions can contribute to these disruptions.
  3. Words and Consequences: Words spoken by individuals can cause suffering and even death in some cases. This suffering results in the access of fear energy, while the speaker gains access to dark energy. Both experiences are valuable for the people in the world of light, demonstrating the interconnectedness of actions and consequences.

These simple examples illustrate the profound impact of seemingly minor events and actions on the world and the universe. Nothing in God’s creation lacks purpose, and even what is considered “evil” or “wrong” serves a beneficial role in the grand scheme of life in the universe.

Visualize Earth’s atmosphere as an immense container, initially filled with black and red paint, symbolizing dark energy and fear. For nearly 12,000 years, both humans and animals predominantly drew upon these energies to color their lives. However, on December 21st, 2012, this pattern shifted. Instead of continuing to pour black and red paint into the container, they began filling it with white and yellow paint, signifying light energy and pure love energy.

Nevertheless, you cannot eliminate the remnants of black and red paint while the container still holds a portion of it. You must persist in using these energies until only white and yellow paint remains in your container. It is at that juncture that your world will be one of light and love.

This prompts a crucial question: Who will continue to employ the energies of darkness and fear that still exist in our atmosphere? This question is fundamental to understanding the persistence of war, conflict, evil, and suffering in our world.

As mentioned in the initial message from God or Father, we are now dwelling in a new age, albeit in its early stages. Therefore, it is essential not to expect immediate perfection in the world. Perfection will indeed manifest, but it will be crafted by the inhabitants of Earth. The critical issue revolves around how to fashion a perfect world while your atmosphere remains replete with dark and frightening energy sources. Achieving a perfect world, as perceived by global standards, necessitates that every individual in your world adopts a consciousness of light and love.

In a reality where people perpetually embrace the essence of light and love, they must access and utilize the energy sources of light consciousness and love to govern their actions. However, in the current epoch, your atmosphere primarily consists of sources of dark energy and fear. To evoke additional sources of light energy and love, people must have the opportunity to access and act from the consciousness of light and love that they inherently possess.

From a fundamental perspective, you continue to witness war and conflict, the struggles of jihadists and their victims, the exercise of power, exploitation, corruption, and the resulting suffering and uncertainty in the world. This enduring pain and turmoil in the world are indicative of entities, much like yourself, fulfilling their own obligations. They are accessing and using the dark and frightening energies present in the Earth’s atmosphere. If you no longer use these dark and frightening energy sources, someone else must, until they cease to exist in our atmosphere. Only then can your world become a true world of light. However, you cannot return the two dark and scary energies existing on Earth to God.

Given this understanding, you may ponder whether knowing the truth about the call for energy balance should lead you to criticize, condemn, or hate others and everything happening around you. Alternatively, you might consider forgiving yourself, forgiving others, and forgiving all the things you once perceived as wrong, evil, or bad. Through forgiveness, you can find love, happiness, and peace in your life.

In reality, awareness of the truth of this earthly game should lead you to open your heart to love instead of criticism or condemnation. You cannot criticize or condemn those who are actively helping you, your world, and all of humanity in the universe. They are pursuing their purpose and mission to fulfill their obligations. God and the beings in the world of light have been urging you to awaken because they know you have completed the duty of darkness. However, even if you choose not to awaken, it is still beneficial for the world. God and the beings of light respect and support your decision.

Imagine a scenario where you and 99 others are working on a project for your company. Your team will be rewarded when the project is completed, and completing it quickly means an earlier reward. Each team member must work for 100 days to complete the project. After working for 100 full days, you have the right to rest and wait for the project’s completion and your reward. However, some individuals choose to continue working beyond the 100 days. In this situation, you would not hate, blame, criticize, or condemn those who work overtime. Instead, you would be grateful to them for their dedication, as their efforts contribute to completing the project sooner and obtaining the reward earlier. Similarly, if you have fulfilled your duty to experience darkness but choose not to awaken, it is akin to those who continue working beyond 100 days. You should not be criticized or condemned, but instead loved, forgiven, and appreciated, for you are contributing to the world’s success.

Furthermore, God and the beings in the world of light continually encourage you to relax and enjoy your journey through life. You may argue that your present life is filled with troubles, debts, and lacks that prevent you from relaxing and enjoying life. Consequently, you live in a state of anxiety and sadness. You may find God’s advice clichéd and impractical. However, your worries and sadness arise from your perception of debt and need, causing these concerns to persist. By relaxing and cultivating optimism and happiness, these worries and troubles will naturally dissipate, and abundance will replace them. If you cannot embrace relaxation, optimism, and joy, God will not force you in that direction but will always respect your decision.

In essence, human consciousness on Earth remains comparatively low compared to those in the world of light. However, the loss of Earthly memories leading to a lower state of consciousness has brought numerous unanticipated benefits to the beings in the world of light. Your mission on Earth has created many advantages for the world of light. In God’s eyes, even your cruelest actions and the worst suffering you endure are considered perfect. In fact, in the past, the cruelest and most suffering individuals were seen as the greatest by God.

So, when you come across messages from the Light expressing gratitude for humanity, there’s no need for surprise.

     Imagine if you were a highly qualified, intelligent, kind, beautiful, good-hearted, respected, and loved by many people. Now, think about your neighbor, a person who is ignorant, cruel, brutish, ugly, selfish, and mean. This individual engages in constant conflicts, theft, and self-destructive behavior. Could you unconditionally love this person? Could you genuinely thank them for their actions in life? The answer to these questions may seem obvious – in the present moment, it would be difficult to love or feel thankful for someone whose actions often bring suffering, harm, and danger. Disliking such a person would be a natural response.

However, it’s important to recognize that God and the beings in the world of light always love and accept that person unconditionally. They express gratitude for all their actions, even the seemingly cruel ones. This is because they understand that these individuals are carrying out a significant mission. What appears as cruelty to us can bring great benefits to the beings in the world of light. So, how could God and the people in the world of light not love, honor, and feel grateful for such individuals?

Now, consider this: If someone always brings benefits, happiness, and peace to you, wouldn’t you love and feel thankful for them? In the world of light, you were one of those individuals.

Let’s assume for a moment that God and the beings in the world of light believe that only light and love are precious and worth pursuing, while darkness and fear are despicable and worthless, offering no benefits. If this assumption were true, God and the beings of light would not be capable of loving humanity unconditionally, let alone feeling grateful toward us. In such a scenario, God would be seen as a wrathful and punitive entity, contradicting long-held beliefs. Moreover, promises of the Kingdom of Heaven, justice, and unconditional love would be rendered false and meaningless. Eternal life, heaven, and nirvana would be revealed as mere illusions. Ultimately, everything would converge towards doom and the inevitable end of the universe.

My dear friends, I wish to delve further into this truth to help you understand it, rather than causing internal conflict. Embracing this truth might challenge the moral values you’ve held so far. However, it’s important to note that accepting this truth does not equate to endorsing evil or suffering. These concepts are part of your past. When you grasp this truth, you gain a more comprehensive and multidimensional perspective on everything happening around you. With this awareness, you will no longer feel compelled to judge or condemn anyone or anything, including evil, wrongdoing, or bad deeds. When you no longer wish to judge others, forgiveness becomes natural, and you can forgive both yourself and others without fear of being labeled a sinner. Forgiving yourself and others will allow you to love yourself and others more, within the wave of love energy that God has been bringing to Earth in recent years. All of this constitutes your healing and ascension process.

 Dear friends,

As I mentioned in “The Ultimate Truth,” there have been certain universal laws or truths that were applied in the past, which may have remained hidden. However, when these secrets are unveiled, they may lose their relevance or significance on our planet. For instance, the Unconditional Law was once applied by God to facilitate the fulfillment of your duty to experience the dark world when you go astray. However, once you become aware of the Law of the Void, it ceases to be in effect. Therefore, in this era, you have the right to intervene in any form of suffering, with the intent to bring about good. Even if your actions are not solicited by others, you will not be violating the law. By abiding by this law, the law of cause and effect will function as intended, rewarding your benevolent actions sevenfold.

Similarly, when you understand the truth behind your so-called “Obligation to Balance Your Energy” and clear the living resources of God, you realize that your mission to consume dark and frightening energies is nearing completion. However, when I mention “fulfilling your duty to experience the dark world,” it doesn’t mean you’ve experienced every facet of the dark world, which is vast and boundless, akin to the world of light. Instead, it signifies that you’ve fulfilled your obligation to consume the dark and frightening energies provided. Consequently, in your future lives, you will no longer need to use and consume negative energies. Instead, you should create positive actions to offset your karma and settle your debts swiftly, preparing for the experience of the world of light before December 21st, 2012.

Unconscious law aligns with the truth of experiencing darkness. When you uncover the truth about your mission to consume dark and frightening energy sources, thus balancing the universe’s energies, you realize the significance of your mission.

Consider this analogy: When you enter a temple, your initial focus might be on the statues. However, even if you encounter hundreds of statues, the absence of an incense burner diminishes the spiritual value of the temple. This simple example illustrates how human perceptions can lead to misconceptions about choices in life. It emphasizes the importance of understanding what holds true significance for humanity.

As you can see, humanity has traditionally believed that individuals must embody virtues such as spirituality, compassion, tolerance, generosity, forgiveness, and kindness to attain Nirvana or Heaven. Paradoxically, this path does not lead to heaven or Nirvana because it prevents the consumption of all the dark and fearful energy that was delivered. In other words, if individuals choose this path when coming to this world, they will be unable to fulfill their duty and return to God’s home. This situation corresponds to the “TWO CONFLICTS” that Jesus mentioned in the New Testament. However, what was once considered an illusion by the Masters is now a valid choice for souls in this world.

When you comprehend the truth about the value of negative experiences, such as evil, sin, pain, sorrow, sadness, mistakes, and wrongdoings, it doesn’t imply seeking or supporting them. Instead, this knowledge helps you refrain from judging or condemning anything based on old prejudices, allowing you to heal and transform yourself. When you are aware of this truth, you must act in opposition to negativity, guided by your awareness of light and love. If you choose to persist in darkness, you will be relocated to another planet similar to Earth before its transformation. Conversely, if you choose the path of light and love, you can lead a joyous, peaceful, and prosperous life while contributing to global peace and advancement through advanced technology.

In conclusion, my perspective is not in favor of humanity’s death penalty. Rather than taking someone’s life, sentencing them to life in prison, besides its humanitarian aspect, can help them consume a significant amount of fear energy during their incarceration. The experience of life in prison allows for sadness, repentance, and sorrow, which are the most energy-consuming forms of darkness and fear. Therefore, it might be more beneficial to let individuals serve their sentences on Earth, where they can confront the dark energy and fear present. By allowing them to repay their karmic debts here, we can prevent them from reincarnating on another planet and further depleting the Earth’s energy of light and love.

I wish you success in applying the knowledge I’ve shared to achieve greater success in life, guided by the consciousness of light and the love of God.